[WG: Accessibility] Accessibility of Learning Management Systems: Comparing Blackboard, Desire2Learn, Moodle, and SAKAI

Rangin, Hadi Bargi hadi at illinois.edu
Thu Apr 14 06:59:02 PDT 2011

Hello everyone,

Finally the paper on LMS accessibility is here.

I would like to underscore that this is an ongoing project, and some of the testing is still in progress and/or under investigation. We welcome your feedback on this project.

We are considering expanding this kind of accessibility/usability evaluation to other products, such as library resources, communication systems, e-mail systems, etc. If you find such projects helpful, it would be great if you could also help us in these efforts. Please drop me a note if you are interested in helping enhance the criteria, performing accessibility/usability testing for any of these LMS.

Here is the link to the paper. Once you are on that page, you might want to open the LMS-specific results in new browser tab/window (control+enter or shift+enter respectively):

A Comparison of Learning Management System Accessibility<http://devserv.dres.uiuc.edu/ita/hadi/citaweb/presentations/2011-03-17-csun/>


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