Collab Email Archives

Link to Confluence summary of new Apereo Google Groups for Sakai.

Archived ListNew Apereo Google GroupDescription
Sakai Governance
Sakai PMC archives Sakai PMC Sakai Project Management Committee (PMC), provides oversight of the Sakai project. Modelled on the Apache PMC.
Sakai TCC archives Sakai PMC Sakai TCC was the oversight group that preceeded Sakai PMC.
Sakai Core Team
Sakai CLE Release team archives Sakai Core team The Sakai CLE release team was renamed the Sakai Core team. Sakai Core team is a subset of Sakai Dev which meets on a regular basis, is open for anyone to join, and makes most of the technical decisions and recommendations for Sakai issues, escalating to the Sakai PMC as needed.
Sakai Core team archives Sakai Core team After it was renamed from CLE Release team, Sakai Core team got a new Collab email list. Then later, an Apereo Google Group.
Sakai Technical lists
Production archivesSakai-productionSakai production list is for technical administration questions.
Sakai-dev archivesSakai-devSakai-dev on the Collab server (Mailman) has been decommissioned and replaced with Sakai-dev on Apereo Google Groups.

Sakai-dev is our most active list and includes questions about internationlization, accessibility, and mobile.

Accessibility archives Sakai-dev The Sakai Accessibility discussion is now part of Sakai-dev.
Gradebook2 archives Sakai-dev Gradebook2 contrib discussion is part of sakai-dev.
Evaluation archives Sakai-dev Evaluation tool discussion is part of sakai-dev.
I18N (internationalization and translation) archives Sakai-dev
Sakai Mobile archives Sakai-dev Mobile discussions now happen on Sakai dev.
Samigo (Test and Quiz tool) archives Sakai-dev Samigo Test and Quiz tool discussions happen on the Sakai dev list.
Eurosakai archives Sakai-dev
Spanish Sakai archives Sakai Spanish The reason for the name change is that we wanted to group all Sakai lists within Apereo. They all start with "Sakai".
Sakai QA archives Sakai QA If you are subscribed to Sakai dev, you do not need to be subscribed to Sakai QA as most messages to Sakai QA are also copied to Sakai dev. This is because development is an integral part of QA.
Sakai infrastructure archives Sakai Core team Sakai infrastructure discussions and requests go to Sakai Core team. We also have an Apereo Infrastructure group, that is probably the best place to check first, as we try to efficiently manage resources across Apereo projects.
Sakai User communities
Sakai user archives Sakai-user Sakai user is primarily for functional discussion of Sakai use. Teaching and Learning, and Research, is a majority of this discussion.
Pedagogy archives Sakai-user Pedagogy is now part of Sakai-user.
Sakai docs archives Sakai docs Traffic is light on Sakai docs. It is used for Sakai Online Help documentation.
Open Forum archives Sakai Open Forum Open Forum is now an Apereo group called Sakai Open Forum. This is a water cooler location. Any topic is fair game.
Apereo level groups
Announcements archives Apereo Announcements There is not a Sakai-specific announcements list. Two places to announce things are Apereo Announcements (moderated) or Sakai Open Forum (unmoderated)
Portfolio archives Apereo Portfolio group The Sakai Portfolio group primarily was focused on OSP, a core tool in Sakai that has been deprecated. The Apereo Portfolio discussion is related to Project Karuta, a stand-alone portfolio project which is designed to work well with Sakai and other learning management systems too!